Limo Add is an innovative and attention-grabbing option to advertise your business. Advertising is a crucial part of every business, regardless of the industry. Why not take care of your promotion like a pro and present your services to New York City residents fast and easy?
Limousines themself attract a lot of attention. By adding a large billboard on the limo’s roof, we spark even more curiosity. If you’re looking for an original way of promoting yourself, your property, or any type of business on the streets of Manhattan, Limo Add should be your choice.



Renting daily,
weekly or monthly

Limo Add was created with the goal of providing a unique place to advertise a property, product, or service. The company’s mission is to make anyone’s promotion fun and different. In the sea of identical billboards and internet ads, promoting your business on a traveling limousine is a refreshment people will notice.
A white, elegant limousine will drive through the busiest areas of Manhattan daily, weekly or monthly to ensure that a large number of people see your business ad. Besides being an innovative way to advertise, Limo Add offers another perk—you’ll be able to track the limo thanks to the GPS. You’ll always know where the limo is so that you can show the ad to your friends, family, or existing clients. The tracking feature also ensures transparency that Limo Add appreciates.
Limo Add is the most elegant way to promote your business. A deluxe limousine with a beautiful billboard on the roof will surely have everyone’s heads turn, and that’s exactly what every business needs. Contact us to reserve your place on our billboard and step up your business game the best way possible.